
jovian.commit(message=None, files=[], outputs=[], environment='auto', privacy='auto', filename=None, project=None, new_project=None, git_commit=True, git_message='auto', **kwargs)[source]

Uploads the current file (Jupyter notebook or python script) to

Saves the checkpoint of the notebook, captures the required dependencies from the python environment and uploads the notebook, env file, additional files like scripts, csv etc. to ``_. Capturing the python environment ensures that the notebook can be reproduced.

  • message (string, optional) – A short message to be used as the title for this version.

  • files (array, optional) – Any additional scripts(.py files), CSVs etc. that are required to run the notebook. These will be available in the files tab of the project page on

  • outputs (array, optional) – Any outputs files or artifacts generated from the modeling processing. This can include model weights/checkpoints, generated CSVs, output images etc.

  • environment (string, optional) – The type of Python environment to be captured. Allowed options are ‘conda’ , ‘pip’, ‘auto’ (for automatic detection) and None (to skip environment capture).

  • privacy (bool, optional) – Privacy level of the project (if a new one is being created). This argument has no effect on existing project. Allowed options are ‘auto’ (use the account-level setting), ‘public’ (visible on profile and publicly accessible/searchable), ‘secret’ (only accessible via the direct link) or ‘private’ (only visible to collaborators).

  • filename (string, optional) – The filename of the current Jupyter notebook or Python script. This is detected automatically in most cases, but in certain environments like Jupyter Lab, the detection may fail and the filename needs to be provided using this argument.

  • project (string, optional) – Name of the project to which the current notebook/file should be committed. Format: ‘username/title’ e.g. ‘aakashns/jovian-example’ or ‘jovian-example’ (username of current user inferred automatically). If the project does not exist, a new one is created. If it exists, the current notebook is added as a new version to the existing project, if you are a collaborator. If left empty, project name is picked up from the .jovianrc file in the current directory, or a new project is created using the filename as the projecct name.

  • new_project (bool, optional) – Whether to create a new project or update the existing one. Allowed option are False (use the existing project, if a .jovianrc file exists, if available), True (create a new project)

  • git_commit (bool, optional) – If True, also performs a Git commit and records the commit hash. This is applicable only when the notebook is inside a Git repository.

  • git_message (string, optional) – Commit message for git. If not provided, it uses the message argument


Pass notebook’s name to filename argument, in certain environments like Jupyter Lab and password protected notebooks sometimes it may fail to detect notebook automatically.